LLP Erasmus Intensive Project ERA_IP_7_2010/2
?Facing Impact of the Second World War: Urban Design in Contemporary European Cities?
Programme Leaders / Prowadzenie programu
Prof., D.Sc., Ph. D. Arch. Krzysztof Bieda
Ph. D. Arch. Kinga Racoń?Leja
CUT Cracow University of Technology / Politechnika Krakowska
Ph. D. Arch. Kinga Racoń?Leja
Dresden Workshop Organisation / Organizatorzy warszatów w Dreźnie
HTW Dresden Prof. Cornelius Scherzer
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HTW Dresden Prof. Angela Mensing de Jong
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Partner Universities / Uczelnie partnerskie
Delft University of Technology
Coordinating Professor ? Micha de Haas, Eelco Dekker
HAWK Hildesheim ? University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Coordinating Professor ? Thomas Kauertz
HTW Dresden ? University of Applied Sciences
Coordinating Professor ? Cornelius Scherzer
Project contact / Kontakt
dr arch. Kinga Racoń-Leja
Ph. +48-12-628-2429, fax. +48-12-6282470
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Politechnika Krakowska
Wydzial Archtektury Instytut Projektowania Urbanistycznego A-34
ul. Warszawska 24
31-155 Kraków, Poland